Monday, July 6, 2009

Why does Erik Estrada keep lecturing me while I am on vacation?

All over New Mexico there are traffic safety billboard that have "Ponch" telling me to be safe. Why did New Mexico get Estrada? I can only come up with the popularity that Estrada has with the immigrant population of New Mexico, mostly Mexicans, due to his telenovela appearances as Johnny, a Tijuana trucker. But why wear the CHiPs uniform? Sphere: Related Content


Scottzo said...

Who is the intended audience? The image of a man wearing a police uniform speaking about safety issues is probably a bit more credible than, say, a soap star. Susan Lucci reminding me to put out my campfire before bed is more likely to make me think about Susan Lucci instead of the directions.

The audience that would recognize Estrada as a Chips star is not really the age group of young drivers. Unless, as you say, he is just a popular character in New Mexico culture.

I wonder what happens if just the safety message is placed on the board sans celebrity? And, what if the governor of NM were placed on the ad?

These are just my Sunday morning thoughts. Great BLOG!!

John said...

Perhaps I am the intended audience. I know Estrada, ChiPS and the billboard did have an impact on me. It worked!

Who is Susan Lucci?

scottzo said...

Only one of the greatest actresses of all time! heheh :)

John said...

A soup star. that is great. she should be on a billboard discouraging kids from becoming a bad actor.

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